Dan, somebody just mentioned but just to confirm, me and group of 6 others went down to key largo this weekend (we are all local so for us is a short ride) and did the benwood and french reef. The bendwood maximum depth that we experienced was around 45f and although you can see the shape of the ship and big pieces in the water, its not a full wreck with openings and others, although for beginners (we are just OW not AOW) is fine. Its easy to dive you just go to the deepest end and go down there (there is a marker) and work your way to the back of the ship and around it so its not difficult to stay close to the dive boat. Look for the big green eel, we had the pleasure of seeing it a couple of times.
French reef is nice, not very colorful and viz is not the best is kind of plain BUT with a lot of caves/pass throughs that you can use as picture spots, there are lots of fish in that part of the reef including barracudas which we saw a lot. The maximu depth here is probably around 40f, maybe 45f. During our dive here there was a slight current so you have to have this in mind and plan your dive accordingly.
Hope you have fun with your kids
French reef is nice, not very colorful and viz is not the best is kind of plain BUT with a lot of caves/pass throughs that you can use as picture spots, there are lots of fish in that part of the reef including barracudas which we saw a lot. The maximu depth here is probably around 40f, maybe 45f. During our dive here there was a slight current so you have to have this in mind and plan your dive accordingly.
Hope you have fun with your kids