Fisheye FIX for the S90

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Thanks for your research and development ... I knew nothing beyond the S90 FIX case prior to finding this thread.

Now, this may seem like overkill for snorkeling, but I am about to order this case, the adapters and that awesome UFL-165AD lens.

How well do you think this setup will perform, without strobes, when snorkeling in Hawaii?

With the available sunlight at snorkeling depths, I'm hoping not to need a flash/strobe when using the 165 lens.

For any close-ups without the 165, the use of the native S90 flash with the FIX diffuser should work well, yes? (unless the lens adapter rings will interfere and throw shadows ... :idk:)

Thanks in advance for your reply

The S90 will do fine for natural light. As to which lens, housing etc you should get, as I have said before, don't let me sell you on something, make your own mind up, talk to other people and sources including the camera supply stores.

Wide angle lenses in general do well without strobes for clear, brightly lighted shallow diving.

The S90 will do fine for natural light. As to which lens, housing etc you should get, as I have said before, don't let me sell you on something, make your own mind up, talk to other people and sources including the camera supply stores.

Wide angle lenses in general do well without strobes for clear, brightly lighted shallow diving.



Any idea on the presence of shadows from the adapter rings when using the diffused S90 flash for pictures without the 165?

FWIW, I've been leaning towards the FIX case prior to reading this thread. So, not to worry, you're not responsible for my spendthrift :wink: :D
The wide angle lens will obscure the built in flash with the FIX housing (or any other) but without a lens the FIX90 does very well for head and shoulder and fish portraits and closeup with the built in flash. Beyond that you will need to invest in a strobe or two. Given that you are free diving I would suggest one or two S2000 mini strobes once you want to broaden your horizons beyond natural light.

Oh, I see, you are asking if you can leave the adapter kit in place, frankly, I have not tried using the internal flash with the adapter ring in place. I did shoot some early on test photos without any lens adapter kit and the housing/camera do fine but I suspect there will be some shadowing even with just the adpater kit in place, sans lens, at least for very close up.

Oh, I see, you are asking if you can leave the adapter kit in place

yeah, i should have been a little clearer than that grammatical backscatter.

Maybe this:

With the AD/67mm adapter rings still attached to the housing
and the 165 lens removed, will the AD/67 rings cast a shadow on a subject
when using the S90 pop up flash and the FIX housing flash diffuser?​

And now that I brought up backscatter ... with the diffused S90 flash in the housing ... yada, yada ... 3rd post ... :read: ...
Sooo are there any desiccants that will fit into the fix housing or will there be no fogging issue when swapping the batteries between dives on a boat?
The Moisture Munchers fit perfectly, I use them each time I close the housing. The little packets will fit also. There is a small space on the right front inner side of the housing for a desiccant pack. N
Here are some new pics :

IMG_2541  2.jpg
IMG_2556 2.jpg
IMG_2666 3.jpg

all of them have been taken with the UWL-04
In addition to my quest for a camera that could utilize all existing wet lenses and especially those I own :wink: my additional requirement was ultra small size and portability with no compromise for performance or capability. I think the S90 with FIX housing achieves those goals as well as anything at the current state of the art.

This complete FIX90 rig plus a few other items as seen here:


Breaks down and COMPLETELY packs into this faux Pelican case:


For easy carry on travel. (Photos taken with cheap 1.2MP Fugi)

I took these with the Canon S90 in the FIX housing with and without the UWL-04. I have the 52mm FIX adapter. I tried to keep the camera in the same position, but may have moved it a tad. Hope this helps.
With Fisheye.JPG

No Fisheye.JPG
Okay, that worked. Here are a couple more. This thing also takes cool over/under shots. I was in a hurry so these are all in the underwater mode. The only editing was smart auto fix and resize for web page.No UWL-04.JPG


With Fisheye 2.JPG

Without Fisheye 2.JPG

04 25 10_1214_edited-1.JPG

04 13 10_1141_edited-1.JPG

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