One of our regular dive spots is just off a local dock that is very popular with the fishermen, myself included (we often fish at the dock after the dive). Most of the time the people that fish there are very nice people and will pull in their lines while we get in the water and pull them in again when we are ready to get out. This one time however we were suppose to be diving with a group and arrived a little late after most of the group was already in the water. Me and my buddy walked down to the dock to see what was going on before gearing up, there were these three fisherman there laughing and when we got down to the dock they called us over, said that they were trying to snag the divers (not knowing that we ourselves were divers), we said "how nice" or something and went back to the truck and geared up, on our way back down we put our masks down and hurried by so they would not see it was us and got into the water. Once in the water we traced their lines down to the bottom tied them all together in a huge knot and took thier pretty lures for our own gear. They were not there when we surfaced but from what we were told they were pretty mad, but hey its not nice to try to hook a diver :no, since then we have seen these guys two more times, they apologized and said what asses they were, and have been really pleasant ever since.