JustinW: Keep in mind that the title of this thread is "Fish & Game Commission approves South Coast MPAs" You keep referring to regions much further north, and although they may be appropriate points to discuss in those regions, they are not necessarily equivalent to the South Coast situation.
In this region we have examples of long-term MPAs or de facto MPAs that provide proof, both observationally and scientifically, that marine reserves here HAVE worked for the species/ecosystems intended.
Another difference is that there is a huge population in SoCal that borders these waters. Fishing pressure, at least in terms of recreational anglers, is probably many orders of magnitude large than in the regions you reference further north.
And the anecdotal observations of long-term divers like the Meistrells are indeed valid even if not scientific. They are mirrored by many other long-term divers, several of whom were or are avid spearos, in our region... including myself with 40+ years of experience in these waters (as a diver, spearo, boat angler and scientist).
I know of several anglers, including the owner of two charter fishing boats, who decry the changes they have observed in our waters. The boat owner sold his boats because, as he told me "I don't want to be the one to catch the last fish."
As for the rights of the rest of the planet, keep on your path of self-interest and athropocentrism and we'll (unfortunately) see where that leads us. PLENTY of examples already exist in other regions of the country (as here) and the world.
In this region we have examples of long-term MPAs or de facto MPAs that provide proof, both observationally and scientifically, that marine reserves here HAVE worked for the species/ecosystems intended.
Another difference is that there is a huge population in SoCal that borders these waters. Fishing pressure, at least in terms of recreational anglers, is probably many orders of magnitude large than in the regions you reference further north.
And the anecdotal observations of long-term divers like the Meistrells are indeed valid even if not scientific. They are mirrored by many other long-term divers, several of whom were or are avid spearos, in our region... including myself with 40+ years of experience in these waters (as a diver, spearo, boat angler and scientist).
I know of several anglers, including the owner of two charter fishing boats, who decry the changes they have observed in our waters. The boat owner sold his boats because, as he told me "I don't want to be the one to catch the last fish."
As for the rights of the rest of the planet, keep on your path of self-interest and athropocentrism and we'll (unfortunately) see where that leads us. PLENTY of examples already exist in other regions of the country (as here) and the world.