Given these authorities already patrol the coast, what changes? I have not seen any reference to additional patrols or funding for such for any of the authorities.
Another great point and one that I mentioned earlier. We cannot expect MPA's to be effective with 1 Fish and Game warden for every 836 square miles (approx.) of area. I also have not heard of any additional funding for patrols nor additional funding for watercraft.
Not only has the MLPAI failed to achieve it's objectives, it will fail to enforce the few ineffective changes it did make. What it did take of the table was any form of adaptive management. Also, commercial and sport take of finfish and crustaceans was not reduced, instead that same effort will be concentrated into a smaller area, our ocean will be fished harder. All reasons why the MLPAI is ultimately a very very poorly executed good idea. We meant well when the legislation was first written, but the process has been perverted and this is the garbage they came up with.
No funding for enforcement, no actual changes to prevent water pollution, no regulations to prevent land development, no well managed overall plan for finfish and no room for biologists to manage our resources. Funny thing is, those are the exact objectives the MLPAI was supposed to achieve. Very sad indeed.