Another attraction close to PDC is Xcaret. It's sort of like a Mexican Eco Disney World. There aren't any rides, but there are many attractions. Swim/snorkel/boat through river caves. Jaguars, manatees, butterfly sanctuary, etc. Used to be the 3rd largest sea fed aquarium. Dolphins. Turtle hatchery. Snuba, Sea Trek (air helmets under water), etc. Mayan exhibits. Plus, at 6pm they have an amazingly beautiful show in a huge stadiumesque palapa. You can watch the show and have supper at the same time if you want. It's entirely in Spanish but even if you don't speak Spanish, it's still amazing. The first half is Mexican history, starting with the beginning of time to when Spain arrived. After a short intermission, the second half focuses on several different Mexican States, their music, dancing and culture. The costuming alone is worth the time. Xcaret is an all day excursion and used to cost about $80, which doesn't include food, but still well worth it, in my opinion. I've been 3 times, to make sure others see it, but I'd go again in a heartbeat. Don't miss the show. It's so beautiful.