I think this notion is one of the biggest myths of ScubaBoard. It's the same reason that is often given to support buying a BP/W for recreational single tank diving.
In reality, I think the vast majority of people who go tech (and this is just my own anecdotal and very limited perspective) never realize the purported benefit being described here.
If they go tech, they end up buying new regs. They don't just buy a 1st stage and some hoses and repurpose their existing single tank reg set.
If they go tech, they may start off just buying a new wing and using their existing BP and harness. But, it doesn't take long before they end up with a second BP and harness.
I'm not saying these things are true for every single person who goes into tech. It just seems like it does apply to the vast majority.
Actually, this is what I did for my SM regs. Had an XTX50 (bought “used”- New in box) here on SB. Used it for pony reg for season. Then I started planning on SM. Was planning on buying another XTX50 when I won one at an event. Added hoses and SPGs, and I had my SM regs.
Took an AL Legend LX Supreme yoke first stage I had, had it converted to din, and that’s now pony reg with my old octo as second stage.