First Open Water dive went awesome!!

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Did that once,but i wasn't waiting for a tow truck,so i went to the side of the road picked up half of a brick stood back 4 feet or so threw it at the glass.It bounced off without breaking and hit me right in the forehead,now i was locked out and bleeding:rofl3:.
That was so funny it brought tears to my eyes. I'm sure it wasn't very funny at the time, but at least you can laugh at it now.
Like Lapenta, I learned a jillion years ago to carry an extra set of keys in another pocket. Also, I have a key in a megnetic box hidden on the vehicle. About dumb-a$$ed stunts, I once stopped at Wally's to buy some ammo, got out of the truck with the engine running, slammed the door shut and locked. Came back 15 minutes later and there it sat, running. Old age, Dudes.
Oh, man, I did that once. Went out on a 17 degree morning and started my car, and brought it around to the front of the hospital to run in and get my suitcase. Brilliant woman that I am, I thought I'd leave the car running so it would get warm inside before I left. But I didn't want to leave it running and unlocked, so I locked it -- after all, I had another key.

It was a key to the other Ford we owned.

Luckily, it was a small town. The nurses called the police, and the police came and unlocked my car for me. And they didn't even s****** at me; I thought that was sweet.
I worry about that scenario a lot... fortunately we have a keyless entry on one of the doors; unfortunately, I'm not sure I could remember the code... XD
When I was in college, I locked my keys in my car in a supermarket parking lot. Luckily, there was a locksmith shop in a little kiosk right in the middle of the lot. I tell the guy in the shop my predicament, and he starts gathering some tools... and I mention that I can see the key through the window (it was sitting on the passenger seat). "You can see the key?" he asks. "Yep." He then puts all the tools back and grabs just a key blank and a file. We walk to the car, and by looking at the key through the window, this guy files me a new key in about five minutes. Worked perfectly, cost me ten bucks. I was amazed...
I have locked my keys in my truck 3-4 times out at dive sites, luckily they were close enough to bring me the extra set of keys, except once...and the top of the passenger door is still a little bent from it :dork2:
I had a co-worker that kept hitting his knee on the lock button when exiting at jobsites. He gave me a key for just in case. I finally had to trade him cars to break the "come get me" cycle.
Thought I'd share my first OW dive and vent.
Most excellent and entertaining thread, Imurtha. Thanks.

It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who has locked the keys inside a running car. In my case it was a rental, not at a dive site, but in Annapolis. I parked in the stadium lot just before our godson's USNA graduation ceremony was scheduled to start, featuring an address by the President (of the USA).

While I was escorting our large group to the security screening lines, thinking I could deal with the problem in a bit, the Secret Service spotted my car. They broke into it, searched it, then had it towed away to a local impound yard for good measure.

500 dives from now you'll look back and laugh! Best of luck and keep us posted!
Things happened. Just gotta deal with it while wearing a big grin.

At the beginning of my 4th OW checkout dive and 1st beach dive, I got rolled by the waves and twisted my knee badly because the fins dug into the sand. I thought that I had torned lingaments and tendons because it hurted so bad.

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