First jellyfish encounter: skins essential from now on

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You saw jellyfish with fish inside?! Coolness! I mean, I am sorry you were stung, (and I concur with the meat tenderizer/beer therapy for such a sting), and I know how bad that feels, but wow! That's the kind of thing that really gets me going. Where were these jellies in the water column?
Actually, there is alot of truth and some precautions in the advice so far.

Yes, urine is not the best, however, urine is diluted ammonia so it would work.

Alcohol is also good as it will help prevent additional stinging (remember that jellyfish stinging cells, nematocyts, can keep firing even after the tentacles are detached from the jelly).

Meat tenderizer....yes and NO. The key ingredient that helps is papain. Many meat tenderizers don't have it and will do nothing for you. Some brands do (Adolf's).

Jelly lotions...check the ingredients. Most will have papain or some other derivitive and work just like the proper tenderizer.
Thankfully, I did not get stung. The large jellies in the Destin area were from the surface to about 25 feet. Made the hang time at 15 interesting; had to dodge a few. These didn't have the long tentacles that get caught on the anchor line, they just floated by. It was really cool to see the little fish inside. The little fish in the ones with the long tentacles came out to visit me once. About 4 of them no longer than an inch came up to my mask and looked me in the eye. You could see they were thinking: "what kind of fish are you?" It was so awesome! Made the fear of getting stung worth watching the little fish. Don't know what kind they were, but they were small with tiger stripes. Way cool.

Guess I need to get some Adolph's to put on the boat! Better prepared than not!
Its a miracle I didn't get stung yesterday. They were absolutley everywhere (in the gulf!!!

Small jelly fish 3-6 inches. Some with tentacles in and some with tentacles 1+ feet in length.

When they got too close I would push then away with my fins
I reeeeealy hate jelly fish stings!

But I have a question: Do thin 0.5mm dive skins protect you from stings or can they sting you through the skin?
I just read your links and wanted to thank you for that useful advice. Now if I can only get over my new fear of the water ;-)

Ed :11:

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