Dive1Dennis:OK, apparently I'm not quite as bouyant as youI'm at 8lb. in BC, 8 on the belt, 4 on the ankles. That is 20 lb. but I am also wearing a 30 ft pony that weaighs in at -5lb with the reg. so may total is 25 lb. I was going to try trimming back a little more but I believe I am at about the minimum for warmth and squeeze. I'm using Weezle extreme undies, they were recommended by a dive buddy and are great. They loft up to fill out the air space in the suit and yet compress down into a very tight space.
Well, it doesn't help that I'm 250lbs and 6' tall. I'm not fat, but I'm no toothpick either.

I could still drop 2-4 lbs off my rig, but I'm quite comfortable with where it is at now. It's very balanced too. When I initially started diving dry, I had 42lbs of weight. Since then, with alot of experimentation, changing of thermals, better breathing habits, etc, I was able to get it down to where I am now. I imagine, as I lose a little more weight, I'll be under 30lbs by next summer.