First Dive Trip To Cozumel

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Hi Everyone,
I'm new to this board and new to diving as well. I took PADI OW classes this past summer and did my certification dives the beginning of July. I'm from Kansas, so it's not too easy to find places anywhere near where I live to do any diving. I went to Oronogo, Missouri to do my certification dives and haven't had the opportunity to dive again since. Now my boyfriend (we both got certified at the same time) and I are planning our first dive trip to Cozumel the end of October. We are excited but also a bit apprehensive since this will be our first diving since we were OW certified. The ocean is going to be a completely different experience than we've had so far. We will be staying at Fiesta Americana all-inclusive and have booked three days of diving so far and figured we'd see how that went and decide if we'll try to fit more in once we are there. We don't have any dive equipment yet and plan on renting what we need there. I would love any recommendations for first time ocean divers and any tips that you might have about Cozumel as well.
First of all, congrats on both of your new certifications! :yelclap:

The first thing that you need to know is that Coz=drift diving and that will be a new but easily learned skill as long as you make sure to listen to the boat captain and DM for any special instructions while diving as most dive ops have their own rules they like to follow depending on boat size and conditions. I have read some really useful tips here in the board about drift diving. Make sure to do a search for drift diving tips and boat diving tips in general here on the board. Again, just remember that the boat you are on may have their own rules but they should be close to what you read here.

Some tips for shore diving include making sure you are ready to dive once you enter the water because the DM may want everyone to descend quickly and stay close together due to heavy currents. My advice to you personally is to just relax and fly. Not a whole lot of reason to kick, the current does it for you! It really is like flying and you will probably do the Superman arms once or twice a dive! The idea of heavy current may seem a little scary to you going in but once you do it for the first time you will think it is completely natural. Again, just relax and enjoy the ride!! The DM and the Captain will keep the boat close by so you can return easily after your dive. Remember, the boat is moving in the current as you are too so no worries about fighting the current to get to the boat. They will do the work for you! :D Just remain calm, watch your depth because Coz has very clear water, listen to the DM, and be aware but relaxed.

Others will post tips and things they like to remember while diving in Coz. This board is a very helpful place! Enjoy and RELAX! LOL. :thumb:

BTW, my wife and I will be in Coz October 16-23rd! Join us for a shore dive at Caribe Blue if you are in town...
I've been to Coz twice this year and love it. Great diving. As the previous respondent indicated, just go with the flow. It's really pretty easy. Tons of good dive shops but I use Dive Eco Cozumel/Scuba Shack/Blue Bubble (they've merged shops so you will see them under these 3 different names).

There's also a lot of good restaurants particularly if you like fresh fish. Have a great time. Wish I was going.
be sure to let the DM know that this will be your first dives after certification, it will make things much easier for all concerned.
Hey, Sounds like we'll all be in Coz at the same time!

My wife and I are going with "The Great American Dive Company" based in St. Charles MO, from Oct. 22 thru 29th

We're all going to the Scuba Club Cozumel... If you see a big dopey guy with his beautiful wife (yea she's reading this) then it's probly us!

It sounds like we're all in the same boat so to speak, as my wife and I also did our cert's this summer, and we've only got 8 dives total (that I count, I don't count pool dives, of which we have many more). We signed up to take our Advanced Open Water on this trip, and we already have our Peak Perfom. Bouyancy done.

The idea of doing our AOW cert on the trip is two fold. One, we get to do it in warm ocean where viz is great, instead of a cold dark quarry. Two, we'll get to dive with an instructor our first few dives in the ocean.

Good Luck! Maybe we'll see you on the Island!
4 years ago, my son and I were in the same situation. We stayed for a week at Fiesta Americana and it was our first real open water diving (no way Homestead, UT counts) after certification. The Dive House (on-site operation) was great for us newbies -- big boats, attentive divemasters, and best of all, really close to the dive sites. The hotel is adjacent to the marine park, so there is great snorkling directly to the south right off your mini-beach. The water is shallow enough that I wouldn't bother with full scuba for any shore excursions. Perhaps the best advice I can pass along is that it is customary practice to "tip" the crew as you depart the boat with a $5 per dive/per person gratuity. So, for a standard 2-tank morning dive you hand over $10 for each of you. Total=$20. Unfortunately, I didn't know this until our second trip to Cozumel. In any case, Cozumel is GREAT! We've been back at least 6 times. It's the best place for diving in Colorado (or Kansas -- for that matter). By the way, my daughter (also ceritified) is a Journalism major at KU -- and loves it there. Enjoy your trip.
You will love the drift diving in Cozumel once you get the gist of it.Its really no effort diving.Just ride with the currents,have good buoyancy,stay close to buddy and behind the DM.Tell the DM this is your first ocean and drift dive so they can look out for you.Drift diving is great but can be a little nerve wrecking for a newbie,especially if the current is really ripping.Do some reading about "Coz drift diving",so you know what to expect.Enjoy...and be safe.
Hey, Sounds like we'll all be in Coz at the same time!

My wife and I are going with "The Great American Dive Company" based in St. Charles MO, from Oct. 22 thru 29th

It sounds like we're all in the same boat so to speak, as my wife and I also did our cert's this summer, and we've only got 8 dives total (that I count, I don't count pool dives, of which we have many more). We signed up to take our Advanced Open Water on this trip, and we already have our Peak Perfom. Bouyancy done.

Good Luck! Maybe we'll see you on the Island!

Be very careful about diving with Scubadobadoo and his wife...I've done it a number of times and you have to be very good at mask clearing...he'll make you laugh so hard underwater that you'll end up flooding your mask... :lol2:

Seriously, they're *wonderful* people and I'm envious as heck that I won't be there, too...Hey Scubadobadoo, you and your wonderful wife give Christi a great big hug for me and have a ball...don't worry about little ol' me, slaving away back here in my cubicle in chilly New England, diving with my leaky dry suit, 'k? .... eyebrow

Be very careful about diving with Scubadobadoo and his wife...I've done it a number of times and you have to be very good at mask clearing...he'll make you laugh so hard underwater that you'll end up flooding your mask... :lol2:

Seriously, they're *wonderful* people and I'm envious as heck that I won't be there, too...Hey Scubadobadoo, you and your wonderful wife give Christi a great big hug for me and have a ball...don't worry about little ol' me, slaving away back here in my cubicle in chilly New England, diving with my leaky dry suit, 'k? .... eyebrow

LOL. I wish you were going too. That would be VERY lovely. :daisysmil

New name? Good thing I know Sadie! Tell her I said, "Meeeooow!" She will blush but I had to say it... :07:

Drip drip drip. Any news yet? :banghead:

Chrisit! Here we come! Lock up the dogs!! :beerchug:
Hey, Sounds like we'll all be in Coz at the same time!

My wife and I are going with "The Great American Dive Company" based in St. Charles MO, from Oct. 22 thru 29th

We're all going to the Scuba Club Cozumel... If you see a big dopey guy with his beautiful wife (yea she's reading this) then it's probly us!

It sounds like we're all in the same boat so to speak, as my wife and I also did our cert's this summer, and we've only got 8 dives total (that I count, I don't count pool dives, of which we have many more). We signed up to take our Advanced Open Water on this trip, and we already have our Peak Perfom. Bouyancy done.

The idea of doing our AOW cert on the trip is two fold. One, we get to do it in warm ocean where viz is great, instead of a cold dark quarry. Two, we'll get to dive with an instructor our first few dives in the ocean.

Good Luck! Maybe we'll see you on the Island!

My wife and I did the same thing with our AOW but in Key Largo. A really great idea! It added to our confidence in a big way. It was nice to know that the instructor was with us, that we were learning, and doing it in a new environment all at the same time. I think it should be called the "continuing education" or "increased confidence" course instead of implying that one needs to be advanced or is learning advanced skills. Rather, one should simply be continuing ones awareness of scuba skills we all should have. Have fun! We did and don't regret it.

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