To be 100 % honest, I have never felt uncomfortable underwater
I knew it was too easy before. You need to deserve it. No panic ( Good Lord, bless the dive briefing), my wife and I decide not to fight the current and slowly ascend while being dragged ( we have a boat at the surface and the "skipper" is very good).
At some point my wife joins hands and then the macho surfaces 
. You wife count on you, man.
Don't f... up! Show confidence and control. As we ascend, I monitor my depth and realize that we are not progressing. It must have been 30 seconds that we are flipping upwards and we only moved from 40 to 37. What's wrong? Usually, it is the other way around. We must slow down not to ascend too fast. Is there a physical barrier that no one on SB told me about? Is the situation serious?
Then my brain takes over. What if? What if we can't ascend as planned? What should I do? Is there a down current (not uncommon)? Think, think, think fast? Your wife's life depends on you.
Don't panic, don't get exhausted, think then act accordingly. I decided to increase the amplitude of my flips but not the frequency so that I could keep my breathing steady. I fought the urge to inflate our BCDs (we are still breathing and we have air so there is no immediate emergency) and I made a very quick calculation (worst case scenario, we consume 5 times our SAC. 5x11 l/min round to 12, it is 60 l/min. with 150 bar that is 1800 liters, we have 30 min so no need to panic). So we continued to fin. Then, the computer again. Stop at 20 meters: 2 minutes. At this point, I would have been happy to be at 20 meters but I realized that I was at 28.
Let's assume that at 40m depth you have some narcosis. You could not ascend easily. You had to think the situation and manage it
then at the end, relief. Does this not suggest some minor discomfort? I've been uncomfortable on dives and yes no panic, no out of air situation. Do we not feel relief when when even a slightly uncomfortable situation is resolved? We can have distress and be able to deal with it. You problem solved an issue at depth.