Reviewed all course work and detailed OptimaCM & NomadLS BC at home. Took on and off several times. Studied Shearwater manuals and configured computers, practiced dive planning with DiveCAN and Petrel BU computer. Executed survival and preflight checklist several times. Neighbors are wondering what I was doing in the garage.
Dive: Pre-staged aluminum 40 diluent and OC cylinders with mask and fins on the distant dive platform. Briefed none CCR diver on air sharing procedures. Tangled DiveCAN wires while suiting up. Verified survival checklist and conducted preflight and breathed CCR while on surface. Immediately noticed that 6 pounds of weight in spine of Nomad is too heavy. Trim was excellent, but buoyancy control was a bitch because of air to compensate for excess weight. Buddy noticed I vented a lot of air on dive (I didn’t think Rebreathers produce bubbles). ADV worked predictably, but vented to reduce loop volume and turned off the ADV for part of the dive. Practiced with all vents and dive valves. Need to build proficiency in finding valves. Face mask with purge valve worked perfectly. Butt tightened considerably when I couldn’t quickly locate ADV slider to turn on, several (BUT LONG) seconds after I needed it. Compensating bubble in BC made for unpleasant buoyancy control issues.
ADV worked on descent, but activating required hard suck. PPO2 went above 1.2 setpoint, so I stopped and added diluent. I may have changed the setpoint prematurely. HUD came loose twice and was not ideally positioned in my view.
Other than sloppy technique, the only significant error I made was to leave backup computer on bailout. Ended dive after 47 minutes because of boredom. Video of diving indicated struggle with buoyancy control, mediocre fin techniques, relatively large bubble in back of BC and showed the aluminum tanks almost perpendicular to my body. Should be parallel at side. Could not locate the .19 PPO2 setting immediately after the dive. DiveCAN may have been too wet. Surprised the CNS after dive was 21%
Dive accomplish all I wanted E.G. familiarization with system. Very impressed with and have great confidence in equipment. Mistress is great fun, expensive and demanding of attention, but did not try to kill me, this time.
To do: Replace DiveCAN and HUD batteries. Do leak down test of diluent ADV. Remove 2-4 pounds lead from BC. Practice and develop muscle memory for all controls. Re-rig aluminum cylinders to stay parallel to body.
Reviewed all course work and detailed OptimaCM & NomadLS BC at home. Took on and off several times. Studied Shearwater manuals and configured computers, practiced dive planning with DiveCAN and Petrel BU computer. Executed survival and preflight checklist several times. Neighbors are wondering what I was doing in the garage.
Dive: Pre-staged aluminum 40 diluent and OC cylinders with mask and fins on the distant dive platform. Briefed none CCR diver on air sharing procedures. Tangled DiveCAN wires while suiting up. Verified survival checklist and conducted preflight and breathed CCR while on surface. Immediately noticed that 6 pounds of weight in spine of Nomad is too heavy. Trim was excellent, but buoyancy control was a bitch because of air to compensate for excess weight. Buddy noticed I vented a lot of air on dive (I didn’t think Rebreathers produce bubbles). ADV worked predictably, but vented to reduce loop volume and turned off the ADV for part of the dive. Practiced with all vents and dive valves. Need to build proficiency in finding valves. Face mask with purge valve worked perfectly. Butt tightened considerably when I couldn’t quickly locate ADV slider to turn on, several (BUT LONG) seconds after I needed it. Compensating bubble in BC made for unpleasant buoyancy control issues.
ADV worked on descent, but activating required hard suck. PPO2 went above 1.2 setpoint, so I stopped and added diluent. I may have changed the setpoint prematurely. HUD came loose twice and was not ideally positioned in my view.
Other than sloppy technique, the only significant error I made was to leave backup computer on bailout. Ended dive after 47 minutes because of boredom. Video of diving indicated struggle with buoyancy control, mediocre fin techniques, relatively large bubble in back of BC and showed the aluminum tanks almost perpendicular to my body. Should be parallel at side. Could not locate the .19 PPO2 setting immediately after the dive. DiveCAN may have been too wet. Surprised the CNS after dive was 21%
Dive accomplish all I wanted E.G. familiarization with system. Very impressed with and have great confidence in equipment. Mistress is great fun, expensive and demanding of attention, but did not try to kill me, this time.
To do: Replace DiveCAN and HUD batteries. Do leak down test of diluent ADV. Remove 2-4 pounds lead from BC. Practice and develop muscle memory for all controls. Re-rig aluminum cylinders to stay parallel to body.