Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam
Not necessarily. She could certainly tox deep and happen to be positively buoyant, the loop venting as she ascends until it floods completely making her negative enough to settle on the reef at 24m. Not saying that's what happened, but it's a possibility.
Scrubber duration may or may not be a factor. Was she re-using a scrubber that already had time on it? Was it packed improperly leading to channeling? She would have to have purposely avoided bailing out, CO2 doesn't just go from fine to unconscious. And with a BOV, there would certainly be ample warning and opportunity to bail off the loop, first by switching to BOV, and then switching to her offboard gas. One of the benefits of a BOV is that you don't have to do the switch to a second stage while being physiologically incapable of holding your breath, so the idea that she took a CO2 hit and that's what killed her is kind of far-fetched. Not saying it's impossible, but fairly unlikely unless there were other contributing factors as well.