Fins recommended by gals...

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I am working towards taking a whole new course, and want to know what fins the gals here like. I am willing to spend up to one hundred and fifty, and need a fin that can be used for both snorkeling and diving (when I dove, I used my power fins for both, but those where stolen with my other gear years ago.)

I have pretty strong legs, but my left foot has a bone spur, and has been messed up a few times doing stuff. Any recommends? Recommendations from the guys will be welcome, too. I appreciate any guidance, since diving as changed soooooooooo much. I just bought myself a snorkeling vest, and new Mares snorkel, and will build up my gear over the next two years.

I figure try different BCs, regulator styles and such to figure out the rest. Also, any recommendations about dive computers that will not bust my piggy bank? Again, it will be bought another few years, but can they be rented like other gear?

Whatever guidance any of you could give will be most welcome. I feel giddy like a kid! Of course, I think I will endeavor to get to the Keys a few times once I get my class done. Snorkeling in cold water is fun, but not too fond of freezing my butt off in deep, cold water during dives.

My cat thinks I am nuts...:crafty:
I like my Mares Volo Power a lot. I have semi-strong legs but, I just don't like to work hard. They are kind of bendy with good force behind them. They were perfect for snorkeling as well.

Do you have any kind of opportunity to try out different fins??
I just got a pair of vipers, and they are really bendy, my husband and dive buddy really wanted them, but ended up with a different pair. He now has fin envy :D

I used someone else's very stiff fins for the pool class (newly certified) and didn't like them a bit.
I have Tusa Xpert Zooms. They are split fins and work great.
My wife and I are both happy with the Aeris Velocity (not split) I have to pairs sized for my wet and dry gear.

Power of a paddle and some of the relief of a split. The soft center forms a channel which is an old vintage concept. We have used them for 100s skin dives together over 500 scuba dives and they are all going strong.

The yellow gets high marks for buddy spotting in limited visibility.

my wife really likes her Aeries Duo Velocity's........
I love my Jet fins, and I've "snorkeled" with them (I didn't have a snorkel with me, so it was swimming with my face in the water and coming up for air from time to time). I wouldn't recommend them as snorkeling fins, but I think they can't be beat for diving. That said, they are heavy and stiff. Two fins with many similarities, but lighter and a bit more flexible, are the OMS Slipstreams and the Dive Rite paddle fins. Both can be fitted with spring straps (and ALL fins ought to have spring straps) and fall well within your budget.
I love my Cressi Frog fins (and have spring straps on them...a definite must!)

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