I believe I am doing a service for other DUI users; I am speaking about the Rockboots and that is why my thread states Fin size to Rock boot!
This was a chance for all users of the DUI rockboot to step forward and suggest their opinions especially if they had a size 9 boot.
I started off with a HOG fin that is neither Scubapro or Hollis. This fin came with a spring. When I got the fin home and finally tried on the boot I was no way, this will never work.
I then took the time to post and share my experience and with my findings I conclude that for a simple easy great fit the Hollis fin works best for a size 9 rock boot.
How does that claim hurt DUI? I don't get it because they don't manufacture fins! This is about getting users of the rockboots to collaborate and give their experiences.
If you don't own a rockboot and the fins I mentioned then you are simply lending your opinion based on other fins/boots not related to my concern.
I know what a fin should feel like, I have dove enough times to make that accessment. The HOG was never going to work, neither was the Scubapro with a 10 inch spring.
It wasn't until I got the 12 inch spring that I felt the ease of the fin going in fully enough for me to feel it will work fine. In fact it is a more secure fit than the Hollis.
However, the Hollis fin is much much more simple to put on and take off as more of the boot easily slides in.
My scubapro XL with 12 inch springs gives me an increbile snug fit, not tight not loose, snug. I dove semi snug fins before and snug feels better to my foot.
Maybe my pictures are not showing how much the foot goes in but I can assure you when I dive if it does not meaure up I will post the truth.
RJP is right about buying things twice and making mistakes, I just hope this isn't the case on this fin.
NUFF said.....