Fiji Trip

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Santa Rosa, CA
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200 - 499
I know I'm really late but here's a short trip report from my trip to Fiji and some of my pics.

It was a 10 hr flight from LA to Nadi on the main island of Vita Levu. We then took a 2 1/2 hr bus trip to Pacific Harbor on the southern tip of Vita Levu to catch our boat to the small island of Beqa. We stayed at Beqa Lagoon Resort, which was a great resort with wonderful people. The island doesn't have any roads or cars and the resort is situated between 2 villages. We walked to both villages on different days to bring school supplies to one and do a tour of the other. They were all super friendly people and the kids at the school were really great. The bus rides on the main island were filled with yelling "Bula" and waving back to all the village people along the road.

We did 5 days of 2 tank boat trips, 2 night dives and a shark feeding dive. The water temps were between 82-84 degrees and the vis was around 70-90ft on most dives. We only had a couple dives with about 30-40ft vis. The corals and amount of fish were amazing! We saw lots of lionfish, pufferfish, anemone fish, nudibranchs, sharks, rockfish, leaf fish, a couple wrecks and so many different types of fish and corals that will take me a while to identify (especially since I don't have an ID book for that area).

Overall, the trip was truly amazing and I'd definitely like to go back someday!

Here are some of my pics. Fiji Diving - a photoset on Flickr
Was there 11/3/07 - 11/10/07. It was a great all around experience, diving and cultural. There were about 40 people in our group. The food was great and the diving was fantastic. We didn't have very good luck on the BFE though. It was mating season. :eyebrow: By the end of the week though I sure was sick of hearing "Bula" :shakehead:
Awesome pictures! I'm so jealous... I want to go diving sooooo bad.
Was there 11/3/07 - 11/10/07. It was a great all around experience, diving and cultural. There were about 40 people in our group. The food was great and the diving was fantastic. We didn't have very good luck on the BFE though. It was mating season. :eyebrow: By the end of the week though I sure was sick of hearing "Bula" :shakehead:

We had 40 people in our group too. It was great diving and eating with the same 20 people...really got to know them over the week. What is the BFE? I know what that acronym is but not sure how you mean it. :wink:
Awesome pictures! I'm so jealous... I want to go diving sooooo bad.

Thanks Brad! Sorry you haven't been able to dive. :(
Wow... I miss FIJI so much... Jim was there 2 weeks before me... I was there 11/17-11/26.... I think we need to do a SB Invade FIJI trip...

The people are totally amazing... The Food was off the chain....The diving was great...
Wow... I miss FIJI so much... Jim was there 2 weeks before me... I was there 11/17-11/26.... I think we need to do a SB Invade FIJI trip...

The people are totally amazing... The Food was off the chain....The diving was great...

I miss Fiji too!!! That would be awesome to do an SB Invade Fiji trip. :D

Was Tachi (the mgr's daughter) there when you guys were there? Her and her fiance might be coming diving with some of us when they come to SF. We should get everyone she met there together in Monterey.
Nice photos Michelle, really gives a feeling of what's topside as well as underwater. The people look like they're a lot of fun.
awesome photos Michelle!
Nice photos Michelle, really gives a feeling of what's topside as well as underwater. The people look like they're a lot of fun.

Thanks Jeff! Wow, you even looked at the big set? The people were a lot of fun. I miss Fiji but I also really miss the group. :( It's amazing how much you can connect with people in a week...well, even in 3 days on a liveaboard. :wink:

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