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I e-mailed some teaser wedding pics to the Fiji group!

I didn't get an email. Guess I'm still not part of the group.
Bruce, check your spam folder. I see you as part of the email list for the pictures :) If you didn't get them, your server must have filtered them.

Thanks for the heads up. It wasn't in my spam folder. I usually have no problems getting emails from Christi's domain. If my server is filtering the message out, then it is happening at the server and not even making it to my spam folder. I'll send Christi an alternate email address.

Also, I got some more stuff for the village visit; a couple of tubes of neosporin, some boxes of different sized bandages, and 2 LED flashlights that don't need batteries.
OMG!!!!! The Trash the Dress shoot was AMAZING! I can only imagine the shots the professionals got....I'm downloading now and have Becky' permission to post a few here so everyone can see them :) I shot two cards worth of photos!

And we have the most AMAZING sunset today too!
Left to do:

Finish charging all batteries
OMG I didn't think to charge them up before packing.... crap now I've got to get them out tonight and charge em up. I got a tip about putting batteries 4 per zip lock bag and putting electrical tape over the terminals. So I guess I'll do that anyway.
Did I mention that I've still got stuff to wash and it's pouring with rain? How can one be sooooo disorganised???

They look sooooo happy! Everything else is just dressing (but that was beautiful as well!)

Safe trip, Naomi! See you Thursday!

Now I'm getting scared. I'm a last-minute packer. When I'm packed more than a few hours before I leave (including sleeping time), I get nervous, wondering what I've forgotten. I'm most comfortable doing everything the night before, though I do have lists and piles gathered for days (even weeks and months on the lists) before. I have all but very last-minute things crossed off my list, have one last quick trip to the store to do, have to wait for a package to arrive tomorrow, and I'm ready. Okay, so I've not actually put everything into the suitcases (except my camera gear, which is always packed first), but it's all ready to pack and will take me less than an hour to get everything taken care of.

Left to do:

Finish charging all batteries
Calibrate my laptop monitor
Turn on auto-responders and voice mail away from office messages
Decide between 3mm and vest (to be determined tomorrow after FedEx arrives)


love the photos, gorgeous bride of course!!

Amber I'm taking my 5mm after having a long hard look at those temps I might err on the side of safety as I'm more used to tropical warm, vs tropical cool diving these days.

i'm spending today doing my tax return, which is why i'm already packed for the dive trip or else i will forget something. As I'm bringing both dSLR and video i've got cords and chargers coming out my ears. only housing the video tho!! I have a pile of clothes i take on dive trips so it's just a matter of counting out a cuppla tees and shorts and throwing em in.

i have about 20 different jobs to do once i get to perth so the dive packing is the easy bit. this trip will be my last exposure to western civilisation before i fly out to Sumatra in August so i've visas to organise etc etc etc. aaaaaaaaargh......
OMG I didn't think to charge them up before packing.... crap now I've got to get them out tonight and charge em up. I got a tip about putting batteries 4 per zip lock bag and putting electrical tape over the terminals. So I guess I'll do that anyway.
Did I mention that I've still got stuff to wash and it's pouring with rain? How can one be sooooo disorganised???

Don't stress over the batteries. We have almost a full day once we get to the resort before we go diving. I had extra time and was more organized than usual, which is why they're all getting charged now. In reality, freshly charged batteries are better, as they start losing charge almost immediately. If it were critical I have 100% power, I'd do it at the resort.

Definitely keep your battery sets together - will give you more consistent results as they'll all be the same age with the same factors. I use little plastic battery cases I get from the distributor where I get my batteries - too bad I didn't know you needed some as I could have ordered them up easily. If you want some I could probably get them overnighted to me. They usually run about $1 per case (holds 4 batteries). However, shipping would run about $18ish. If you want me to order, let me know and I'll see what I can do!
Please don't make me think I need to pack my 5mm.....

water temps are going to be the same as at the Rowley shoals right? I was goign to chuck in a short sleeved radiator to wear under wettie, maybe my 3mm vest and hood would be a better option? Don't want to be cold, but don't want to wear my horrid 5mm.

Thanks for the offer ofthe battery holders Amber, I think I'll just opt for plastic bags and electrical tape for this trip. Better add sparky tape to my list. Does Wavanu have 220v power sockets? As you can see I've done bucket loads of research on where we're going. Got caught up playing wretched word games on facebook last night instead of getting organised...

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