Fiji Bligh Waters Ra Divers to service Volivoli Beach Resort Exclusively

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dive travel goddess

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Heads up in case you haven't heard: As of May 31, 2011, guests staying at Volivoli Beach Resort, Bligh Waters, Fiji, will have Ra Divers’ full attention. Ra Divers, located at Volivoli Beach Resort, announced that it would no longer be able to provide dive services to Wananavu Beach Resort after May 31st.

Over the past couple of years, Volivoli Beach Resort has become a full on dedicated dive resort with all the amenities. Check out rave reviews on Trip Advisor. If you want to dive Bligh Waters in Fiji with Ra Divers, you have to be staying at Volivoli Beach Resort after May 31st this year.
Not sure. Best to book in to Volivoli Beach Resort to be sure of dive services. Ra Divers and Volivoli Beach Resort are family owned and operated and are going no where so no worries there.
I was there last year using RA divers....Not easy getting out to the Bligh waters. The weather and getting the minimum number of divers to go out there if you are not with a group are factors. But it is excellent diving if you have the minimum of 6 divers and the water is calm.
Been diving with RA Divers all week they are great. And staying at Wananavu. Sorry to here this. Wananavu is real nice the people here are great. Drying out the gear for the flight home.
It is super diving Bligh Waters, isn't it?!! Sorry you have to come home! Do not dispare. The family who own and operate Volivoli Beach Resort/Ra Divers and everyone who works there are more than "nice". By the time you leave VBR, you'll feel like you are part of the family and just belong there. You'll wonder why you ARE leaving!

:clapping: If you are worried you won't be able to dive Bligh Waters Vatu-I-Ra Passage because there isn't enough of you to meet the minimum 6 divers requirement, good news! Just found out that once Ra Divers ceases service to Wananavu on May 31 to concentrate on servicing their own resort, they will take you to dive the Passage even if you cannot find another 5 divers to meet the minimum! If you are an individual or a group of less than 6 divers staying at VBR, Ra Divers will take you to dive Bligh Waters' famous Vatu-I-Ra Passage provided you and the other divers on your boat agree to a 3rd tank dive day at the cost of an additional $55USD per diver. Only if there are less than 6 is it necessary to purchase the additional tank and make a day of it, returning to the resort around 4:00pm. VBR packs you a bag lunch to take with you on the boat when you do that long dive day.

This change in policy in no way affects Ra Divers standard practice of diving the Passage whenever it is possible as long as there are at least 6 divers on the boat and all the divers want to dive the Passage. Passage diving is included in a 5 day/2-tank boat dive package price at no extra cost if there are at least 6 divers on your boat also wanting to dive the Passage. Ra will go to the Passage dive sites as many days as they can, as long as that is what everyone on the boat wants to do.

We all need to be reminded that no matter how many divers are on their boats, Ra Divers will postpone or cancel boat trips to the Passage if they decide weather conditions are too dangerous and/or dive skill levels of the divers aren't up to Passage diving challenges. Safety first. Always.
i heard wanavu is starting their own dive and that bligh waters will definitely be available.
i stayed there before and had a great time. i guess as long as they have a solid op it'll always be a more comfortable option. the staff there are great.
this is awesome news - i dove with kaiviti and RA divers - when based at the wananavu resort..when our group dove with kaiviti - RA divers was some kinda backpacker operation .. when we joined a group going to Fiji ( 2010 ) i was hesitant to dive with RA divers which had some not so hot reviews but the agent promised they have improved.. yes, we were restricted with night dives ( min 6 ) and afternoon dives even shore diving ( they don't do ).Still a little lacking , briefings ,ladder and service needs improvement - dive team - love diving ( did forget a diver on one dive ) but really great diving! can't wait to see , hear and dive with new operation at wananavu resort - if they can make a so so operation as good as previous posts state - then the new operation will be awesome...don't you think? the wananavu resort is what i go back for and now a new operation - this'll be pretty darn cool! Can't wait to go back!!
We too are going to Wananavu this coming Fall. We have been there before and love the resort and really loved diving the Bligh waters. We went out there most days and that is why we are returning. If anyone goes once they start their new operations, please post a report as to how it is going and if you can get out to the Bligh waters or not! I was relieved to read that they were starting up a new dive op on site! Thanks for the info.

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