Dr. Lecter
This is already addressed by the rules. If someone states something they don't know as a fact, it should be so qualified. Once qualified, where they go from their speculative premises really is not anyone else's concern. Maybe what they reason from that speculation is dreck, maybe it's useful. Suffice to say that I'm much more comfortable with a rule that requires labeling speculation as such and leaving it at that, than I would be with a rule where you, SB, or anyone else decides where to draw the line you claim shouldn't be crossed.What I do have a problem with is when people state things as an absolute truth that may not be and then go off on a tangent about that.
IMO, if you think you know better as to something stated as a fact by a previous poster(s) you would better serve the purpose of this forum by identifying those specific errors, rather than making vague allusions to space aliens. If you cannot for whatever reasons say what your understanding of the facts is, or how you're privy to the knowledge that prior posts are in error, say that too. Everyone reviewing this A/I would then have more knowledge, even with just heavily-caveated claims that 'X, Y, and Z are wrong', than we received from what you just said.