I have just finished reading all 13 pages on this tragedy, and initially my impression was relying on the press for accurate information is like relying on the government for honesty, it's just not going to happen. Secondly, people using this tragedy for PADI bashing, and with not any sign of actually knowing what they are talking about, the wreck specialty does call for a penetration in the light zone while running a line on dive four, it has been stated that this was a wreck specialty course, what dive number? No one has said, so talk of penetration is conjecture. Scripps found nothing wrong with her gear, but I have seen pressure(depth) related failures, so it may have been an issue at 100'. We know there were 4 students, and 2 dive professionals(1 instructor, 1 DM) on the dive, my question would be to the instructor, how did you set up your logistics under water? When I have a CA, and 4 students, the CA is tasked with keeping 1 buddy team together while I lead the dive and keep the other buddy team and move slow to keep the group together, I turn around every 3 kicks to count heads. The DM did try to assist her buoyancy issue,It is reported that he injured himself in the process and thank you Lynne, a neutrally buoyant object that gets filled with water is still neutrally buoyant. I have swam up a weight belt with 12 lbs on it from 50', and this young in shape woman, should have been able to swim up unless her "buoyancy issue" was actually an entanglement issue, and she may not have realized it if it was fishing line hooked on the first stage.