February 24 Cristal Clear Charters - Free Dive

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OK, I need to know WHICH ccc to make reservations with... what's the number/contact person?

I am trading in my frequent flyers miles to fly out... probably stay for 4 to 5 days... anybody anna take me diving anyplace else, before or after diving with Cristal Clear?
Yes you are!

Yes, I will be there end of February. Call Jaclyn and book your spot asap.

Laurel/Divergilr, you two want to get a room next to Hilary and I? Let me know.

I am booked 2/24 and 2/25 am ... this will be fun.:D
I would love to get the room next door and I will share with Laurel if she still need a roomie ;) ... let me know where to call and book.:crafty:
Kim P
Quoted from first post:
The date in February: The last weekend, with Saturday being the main day. I will wait and see how many are interested before adding the Friday or Sunday.

So that is the 24th. As for the 23rd, I am game for diving the FTL area, kinda was planning that anywhoozle.

SoCalAngel, I will get right back to you on the hotel. I am bringing lil sis, as a birthday present. (Won't count the new computer, new regs, new suit, that I have already gotten with my bp/w money, lol). Anyway, how about you and DiverGirl in a room, next to lil sis and I, which will be next to Hilary and co? :) Oh and everything is in the first post. We are using Cristal's Pilot house location, ask for Jaclyn (that is the chickie that's on the ball ;))

SoCal, so glad you are making the trip, you will love the Conch's! Do you want to fly to Tampa and ride with me down? Note, it is a long trip; hence, why I am stopping in FtL for some diving first. All sorts of people will be in FTL :) CBulla just said he will be there with Kris (his loverly wife), and hanging with Scuba Jenny. We can do "Marvel's Side Yard". :yeahbaby: Trust me, that is an awesome time right there!

Colin, can you separate this thread? One for Sink-O and one for February? Is it possible to keep them together in the thread line up, especially since some are doing both trips?

Debby...the idol lobster woman :)
well it looks to me like all you kids already know eachother! Is a single (in both contexts) guy showing up for the Feb weekend going to feel the love? (= In other words, are there other Solos going, and will i be able to find a dive buddy?

Hi Guys,
Just dropping a line to say that my friend and I were the first two divers to drop in and take them up on the offer. While I am sure that in response to the posting that everyone was on their best behavior, they were definitely a cut above for friendliness and service. The seas were a bit rough but no one is holding that against them. KeyLargoJaclyn (Jaclyn) and ScubaPhotoBabe (Michaelynn) we both very friendly in getting us signed in and joining us on our dives. It was ScubaPhotoBabe's 100th dive and everyone on the boat was glad to take her out for a drink or five :) . She even got us a round in anticipation of my 200th dive the following day. Mmmm Beer....Oh yeah back to the diving... the boat was great and well equiped and my friend was renting gear from them and the rental gear was brand new and all shiny. I was able to bring my LARGE HP 130 doubles and though they didn't fit in the rack they did stow nicely under the bench for the ride out. We saw some nice Dolphins on the way out and they even had a baby one with them. It was rough the next day and they were willing to take us out but my friend got some sort of a stomach flu and was throwing up all night and so was not in the best of shape to be out in 6 ft seas. So the long and short of it is free dive or not I would go out with them again any time.

I am hoping to join all of you for the May dives as well. I am looking forward to the party.
It was rough the next day and they were willing to take us out but my friend got some sort of a stomach flu and was throwing up all night and so was not in the best of shape to be out in 6 ft seas. So the long and short of it is free dive or not I would go out with them again any time.

I am hoping to join all of you for the May dives as well. I am looking forward to the party.

Stomach flu or was it too many beers?? :D

Looks like we (Jenny, Tim, myself) might be expanding the all-day Saturday dive plans to include Sunday morning too (we don't want to miss any partying going on at Sharky's on Saturday night) :)
Stomach flu or was it too many beers?? :D

Looks like we (Jenny, Tim, myself) might be expanding the all-day Saturday dive plans to include Sunday morning too (we don't want to miss any partying going on at Sharky's on Saturday night) :)

Stomach flu or was it too many beers?? :D

Looks like we (Jenny, Tim, myself) might be expanding the all-day Saturday dive plans to include Sunday morning too (we don't want to miss any partying going on at Sharky's on Saturday night) :)

May 5th would probably work best for me...trouble is the darned on call calendar hasn't been posted for the year yet. :shakehead

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