Quoted from first post:
The date in February: The last weekend, with Saturday being the main day. I will wait and see how many are interested before adding the Friday or Sunday.
So that is the 24th. As for the 23rd, I am game for diving the FTL area, kinda was planning that anywhoozle.
SoCalAngel, I will get right back to you on the hotel. I am bringing lil sis, as a birthday present. (Won't count the new computer, new regs, new suit, that I have already gotten with my bp/w money, lol). Anyway, how about you and DiverGirl in a room, next to lil sis and I, which will be next to Hilary and co?

Oh and everything is in the first post. We are using Cristal's Pilot house location, ask for Jaclyn (that is the chickie that's on the ball

SoCal, so glad you are making the trip, you will love the Conch's! Do you want to fly to Tampa and ride with me down? Note, it is a long trip; hence, why I am stopping in FtL for some diving first. All sorts of people will be in FTL

CBulla just said he will be there with Kris (his loverly wife), and hanging with Scuba Jenny. We can do "Marvel's Side Yard".

Trust me, that is an awesome time right there!
Colin, can you separate this thread? One for Sink-O and one for February? Is it possible to keep them together in the thread line up, especially since some are doing both trips?
Debby...the idol lobster woman