Missy P, You Mentioned La Jolla Shores. I Posted A Question About That Before. I Have Dove The Area A Few Times... Seen The Canyon.. Been To 131 Feet, But Still Havent Seen All Of The Cool Things Everyone Speaks About.
What exactly were you expecting to see? LJ isn't reefy like Laguna or PV, but the canyon offers quite a mixture of life both swimming around or on the canyon walls/ledges.. If you're looking for pretty reefs, LJ isn't really the place to go.. lol..
What we do have is sandy bottoms until you hit the canyon.. On the sand you'll find halibut & the other flatties, sea slugs/nudis, moon sails, sand dollars, bat rays, round rays, pipefish, occasional sheepcrabs, and usually little schools of fish. You might find an occasional mortar bowl from ancient Native Americans, which are illegal to take..
In the canyon, you'll find lots of nudis, large sheephead, senoritas, horn sharks, jellies, Fringeheads, octopus, scorpionfish, walls, ledges, pinnacles, more bat rays, etc etc etc. You will find tons of life in and on those walls & ledges. I've never been bored diving there- you will always find something new...