From post 1 "According to the dive computers they were at max. 38 m and spent approx. 20 minutes at 6 m depth, when they were found.""We" read it in posts #1 and #6 of this thread.
Post No.1 indicates that both divers spent 20 minutes at 6 meters before their bodies were located. In this post there is no information indicating that both deceased were swimming at this depth.
Regarding rapid ascents from shallow depths, I personally have had to call a chopper to transport a diver to a chamber who had a rapid ascent from 12m (36ft) while diving on air, while dehydrated. He was paralysed from the waist down by the time the chopper got to him, (approx 1 hour wait). I believe he was able to walk out of the Hospital after 3 days of treatments, resolution of symptoms was not 100%. Rapid ascents from shallow depths can be serious. A rapid ascent from 38M is a whole different level if that occurred.
There are other extraneous factors that have not been discussed that could have played a role in this.