I didnt check the CPR cards for the DMs or Skippers @ CocoView, which is practically across the channel from FI, however the crew I dove with seemed to have their act together. We, regardless of level of cert. were all required to do a "check out" dive before being allowed to dive.
This being said, I dont believe all of Roatan's Dive Ops are the same.
Coryedwards, I am truly sorry for your loss.
Has anyone tested his gear (regulator) since??? Seawater or secondary drowning??
We all try to learn from these.
I agree.... sounds very odd, if his heart was okay. Nitrox toxicity usually hits when the diver exceeds the operating depth for that mix, causing convulsions and death almost immediately at depth, from what I understand. So it is doubtful to me that it had anything to do with nitrox specifically since he made it up and onto the boat fully conscious.
I have heard about "bad air" causing deaths, there was the case (reported her on SB) on a Maldives liveaboard last year where one diver died and 8-9 others sent to hospital due to a bad compressor. Did he say anything about a headache? He was disoriented, so maybe lack of oxygen all together??? The survivors of that incident in Maldives complained for days about getting a headache each day during the dives and I think some even vommited, then the fatal dive occurred. As I remember the investigation, the boat had being using the wrong (cheap) filters for the compressor and had unqualified people operating it who didn't know any better, just a bad situation made worse... ignorance and incompetence. Divers had been getting tanks filled full of deisel gas fumes from the boat along with other contaminants, something like that. I am not saying that is what happened in this case...... but it is something to investigate!