If you're get them certed for AOW there are some easy sites. Like for a wreck the Tugboat, for a deep dive the Superior, or the Car Pile, For navigation either of those places but we also have double reef, the crash, The corredor, Barbs beach of course seldom reef and the driftdive from St michiel to seldom reef. Don't forget The Blue Wall and Snakebay. Or in at Directorsbay, out at the Tugboat, Lost of possibilities.That's the area for the Banda Ariba site. Those are all easy shore entries. For Banda Abou everything is possible.
If you want explanation of dive sites to explore yourself don't worry I can provide you with them.
The most important is where you want to dive.
Most of the divespots are accessable from shore. But there are some diveops that require you to take their tanks. But that's no problem I no most of them and we can use their fascility also.
And the dolphin dive I must say It's great to see that animal free in the ocean. But the price is high and Ocean Encounters is the only one selling that dive.
So if you want to know more about diving on the island don't hesitate to send me a mail.