Explain this term often used in DIR

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That said, I have no problem using that term to describe an unsafe diver.
Would you use the term for this divers gear set up , BTW the owner of that gear during that dive blew his NDL while trying to take a pic , wandered off 3 or 4 times, then on exit didnt listen and got knocked on his azz (tanks on coral ) and had to be saved. I had to go to him and help (risking myself agains a coral wall ) cause of his freaking camera. Havnt dove with him again.


  • ross gear.JPG
    ross gear.JPG
    117 KB · Views: 148
The other phrase was "Pizza Stained T-shirt."

Which was an attack on the NJ/NY wreckers.

Yes, I am one.

Would you use the term for this divers gear set up , BTW the owner of that gear during that dive blew his NDL while trying to take a pic , wandered off 3 or 4 times, then on exit didnt listen and got knocked on his azz (tanks on coral ) and had to be saved. I had to go to him and help (risking myself agains a coral wall ) cause of his freaking camera. Havnt dove with him again.

Seems like you've answered your own question with you last sentance.

i love the term, as most of y'all know, in a 'take back the night' sorta way. it's embroidered on my towel, hat, slapstrap, and tote...

(anybody seen 'clerks 2'? it's like 'porch monkey'!)

i tried to get 'stroketastic', doc, but it's too many letters for llbean to fit in... :(
Would you use the term for this divers gear set up , BTW the owner of that gear during that dive blew his NDL while trying to take a pic , wandered off 3 or 4 times, then on exit didnt listen and got knocked on his azz (tanks on coral ) and had to be saved. I had to go to him and help (risking myself agains a coral wall ) cause of his freaking camera. Havnt dove with him again.

So wait, you're saying I should not model my double setup after that pic?!?

A stroke is an unsafe diver. Someone who dives in an unsafe manner.

That's it.

BTW - its probably been a long, long time since you've seen that word "tossed a lot on the board." Are you DIR, are you DIR curious, do you have a genuine interest or are you just stirring the pot?


As stated in many of my posts if you care to search and confirm, I am a new diver, with about 50 dives, certified sdi, moving toward DIR, just purchased a bp/w. I have heard the term and wanted to know what it meant.

If I really wanted to pick a fight and be a troll, I would have put the term stroke in the title to get everyone on the board posting in the thread. I posted they title of the thread as a dir term question hoping to keep trolls to a minimum and get an honest answer to my question.
I'll tell him about it next time he comes over for fills.

Just so nobody gets the wrong idea; JeffG was my support guy for some 300' dives we did this summer. He was there to save my butt if I needed him and I respect him a lot. He will be my partner on the Sunshine Coast at the end of March when we are doing some 250's . I know he can't see this so if anybody wants to forward this to him go ahead. I would do it myself but I don't want to look like a Brokeback kinda diver.

I knew that. He got quite a chuckle out of that. You Edmonton guys are hilarious...:D
When are you coming to So Cal, we would love to show you around our neck of the woods!


I don't know but it is on the list of places I want to dive. Dr Bill invited to come dive the kelp with him and the gang out that way. Be careful about inviting me out that way! I just might show up with my yellow split fins and shake things up a bit!!

I am still getting my gear together. Got certified last spring. Just purchased a Golem BP/W and my new reg and computer/ bottom timer should be here next Wednesday. i probably will stay close home this year diving the green water of Jocassee and working on buoyancy and other skills before I hit the road. I have meet up with JimG and the DIR Atlant group and the are going to let me dive along with them this summer.

Before I hit the road and travel, I want my skills to be much more solid than they are now. I fear my nick name might be Sister Silt!! Anyway, I want my skills to be solid to that when I start traveling I can then take all the new sights without having to be thinking about my skills every second.

Trying to get a local diver group going in these parts so that newbies like myself will have better options of find a good buddy than what I had last summer. I rented gear and asked for a spot on the LDS boat and they said it is full, just show up and the ramp and start asking people if you can dive with them. It was less than ideal to say the least. I have a few folks on my local yahoo group. As soon as we start to get some attractive numbers, I have invited JimG of DIRAtlata and his group to come up and give a presentation to those who want to learn what DIR is. It is as much for my benefit as it is for anyone else who might come.

I am still diving in open water with my Scuba Pro yellow twin jet splits and the work great for me with my hip injury--I cracked the corner off my left hip and it is with me no more, so I have some structural/functional issues with that hip. I purchased a set of Scuba Pro jets to work out in the pool and it has made a difference in helping to rebuild the muscle in my legs. Am up to 1.5 miles doing a fluter in them. I can only do a half lap or so frogging which is an improvement for me. I have some functional issues to over come with my hip before I could even consider doing the frog in open water. So until then I will keep at it in the pool.

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