Hi! I have two thoughts for you.
First of all. Get your seal trimmed down to where you don't feel it strangling you. You should NOT have a gag reflex. If you feel at all claustrophobic, it is too tight.
Now to the effect of the tight seal. Anything feeling tight on your neck will influence your breathing. If it is tight enough, which it sounds like it is, it could also influence your heart rate via sensors in the large arteries in your neck. Add this to challenging conditions, poor viz, cold water and disappearing buddies, and you have a cascade that is almost inevitable leading to a CO2 retention, for which the symptoms are all of what you mention. Slight tunnel vision. Feeling of being task overloaded. Nausea, headache, dizziness, increased heart rate, pounding heart and a most profound feeling of not getting enough air. You might not have them all, but in addition to these, you can also have a feeling of light anxiety or stress.
My tip... Loosen that neck seal to where it is comfortable. (I barely feel mine when I have my suit on)
Slow down your dives. If you feel anxiety, find a fixed point or something to hold on to. Relax your breathing and remember to both inhale properly and to exhale properly.