Expected Life of BCD

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My Zeagle Ranger lasted 18 dives before self-destructing.

I went BP&W soon after that and the Ranger is now a forgotten pile on the floor.

Man I don't know what you did to destroy your Ranger, but mine has had tons of use in cold water, pool chlorine, and now salt water and tropical sun. I could probably DRIVE over it 18 times and it would be okay. And I traded for this one used! Just for the record I have a bp/wing and there is nothing made any better on it.

Back to the original question, product quality and care make a huge difference. I have seen BC's a couple years old with minimum use look like crap with velcro, zippers, and even plastic tank saddles failing. Good quality stuff (like Zeagle and some others) can last indefinitly.
I would expect at least 500 dives from what I know from others with making sure you clean it. I haven't done that many to test my own out yet though :) So, it will probably last more dives than most people end up doing :)
Get one without velcro. The velcro will be the first thing to go.
I agree there! Velcro is totally unloyal and will "mate" with anything! It will collect debris, and it does wear out.
I have a Scuba Pro Knighthawk with about a 1000 dives mixed up with 70% salt, and 30% fresh water and pools and it's still in great shape. The cumberbum velcro is the only thing starting to really show wear and the unit is faded a lot but otherwise still a great BCD.
My Zeagle Ranger lasted 18 dives before self-destructing.

That pretty clearly deliniates "abuse" from "use" then.

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