What's a dog pile? Is it when a number of people disagree with someone? Nope. We're not going to stop everyone from disagreeing with you.I'll just wait and see now.
It's when a number of people start to attack the poster with OT stuff from other threads or platforms.
In reality, it's often defined by you, the user. When you see a thread going off-topic, hit the report button on the bottom left of the first post to do so. Be sure to fill us in on why you think it's bad and why we need to clean it up. If you don't hit the report button, we may not see it or feel we're being too sensitive. We really want the community to let us know when things are going south.
Yeah, we'll soon hear some macho crap like "I've never reported at thread!" You don't have to be offended to report an issue. ScubaBoard was never meant to be a cage match. Petty off-topic crap really silts out a discussion. Oh sure, the popcorn gets broken out if you're juvenile enough to enjoy the spectacle, but it really detracts from a meaningful back and forth. I have a few users who bait me all the time with petty crap and I've learned to not even acknowledge it. Why? Because it's counter-productive to a good discussion. By reporting these kinds of discussion-destroying kerfuffles, we all benefit. People shouldn't be looking over their shoulders worrying about who's going to ambush them here.