Embedded Vidoes Not Showing Up on Mobile Viewing

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San Francisco, CA
I had a few friends check on their iPhones, but all have said they can't view the videos embedded in the thread I created this morning (via either Safari or Tapatalk):


I'm told they appear as a blank space on Safari and as embed code on Tapatalk.

The videos themselves *are* viewable on mobile devices if viewed directly on Vimeo:

Sea Lions Love Scooters on Vimeo

Coral Reef, Anacapa Island on Vimeo

Any ideas why they aren't showing up when embedded here on SB?
I had a few friends check on their iPhones, but all have said they can't view the videos embedded in the thread I created this morning (via either Safari or Tapatalk):


I'm told they appear as a blank space on Safari and as embed code on Tapatalk.

The videos themselves *are* viewable on mobile devices if viewed directly on Vimeo:

Sea Lions Love Scooters on Vimeo

Coral Reef, Anacapa Island on Vimeo

Any ideas why they aren't showing up when embedded here on SB?

They show on my Droid. I've noticed larger vimeo videos take a moment to from blank spaces to previews when I'm on a slower connection. Maybe that's the issue?
Thanks, John, that's good to know. I'll ask them to check again, but from what they said, it sounded as if they simply weren't loading at all. BTW, what browser are you using on your Droid?

Perhaps it's an iPhone-specific issue with embedded videos on SB?
I'm using the default Google browser in mobile setting. No tapatalk or anything like that.
The Vimeo player is Flash based application, and may not be viewable via the Tapatalk Plugin. They do play on my droid browser, but not in Tapatalk.

Unfortunately for this case, I do not support Tapatalk, only ScubaBoard, and this really isn't an SB problem, as the plugin itself is functioning. If you want to make these videos available on other mobile devices, I suggest you post a direct hyperlink to wherever you're hosting the videos, and possibly their browsers will support them through that website?

I can't however speak for Iphone and/or Safari browser on iphone, as I don't have one.
Totally understand, Howard, mostly just trying to get to the bottom of why they will/won't play. Sounds like the Tapatalk issue is definitely specific to that app. Odd about the Droid / iPhone difference, though. Wonder if it's an issue with Safari.

In any case, I've also added direct links to the videos in the thread, but I'd love to figure out why they won't play when embedded on the iPhones (and yes, it does sound like this isn't a SB issue; hopefully posting about it here, though, will lead to more clues about why it isn't currently working for some viewers).
It most likely has to do with flash (Shockwave/Adobe Flash).

Tapatalk probably doesn't support flash, whereas the browser on droid does. :)

(apparently, this isn't an isolated incident - http://tapa.tk/forum/showthread.php?t=3140)
I'm one of the friends that was trying to check out the videos from my iPhone. It doesn't work on Tapatalk (as noted above, due to lack of flash support)....

When I try to view it on Safari, the whole page loads and then I have a large blank space where the video should be. But the video itself never loads....as mentioned, if I click on the direct vimeo link, it plays just fine.
The remedy is SUPPOSED to be to check the drop box on the youtube embed code and check "use old code"

but it didnt work for me

yes, it just changed and has to do with the Flash

cavediver told me to put the bolded code in to
The remedy is SUPPOSED to be to check the drop box on the youtube embed code and check "use old code"

but it didnt work for me

yes, it just changed and has to do with the Flash

cavediver told me to put the bolded code in to

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