I believe it boils down to a misunderstanding of how we do business here on ScubaBoard. There have been threads started by Tom and his associates about his business... we don't allow that here EXCEPT in the Market Place forum. We DO allow dive shops to answer specific questions about what is available and where. He sees us pulling only his posts and not others and so he is upset. Of course, once we pull them, no one but the originator knows that it's gone, so it's an easy mistake to make.
Instead of seeking out the owner (me) over what he perceives to be unfair treatment, he has chosen to simply lash out publically by announcing that he is restricting his patron's access to ScubaBoard. As I pointed out to him in an E-Mail, one gets the idea he would rather make an issue than solve one. Now apparently, it appears there will be a select few who can still access us from his shop, but I might be reading that wrong, I simply don't know. However, the only ones he seems to be punishing are the patrons he doesn't like as much. So yes, the logic escapes me too.