Electrified reef gets initial go-ahead in LBTS

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According to the group's web site, corals grow three to five times faster under these conditions and stand a better chance of surviving stressful events such as increases in water temperature.


In interviews this week, Dodge and McManus repeated their view that the system could help young corals establish themselves and grow faster but has not been subjected to rigorous study, with no evidence that the increased growth rates last beyond the first few months. Neither said they opposed the project.

these comments say it all for me

it may work, it may not, but at a price tag of $65,000 (seems low cost to me), why not try it?

especially since the payoff could be huge
Not exactly sure what they are proposing. In some ways sounds similiar to a concept put forward in the early 1980's. It involved plating out various carbonate accretions on wire mesh electrodes. In effect they formed a stony material over the mesh in a fashion akin to electo-plating or hydrogen reduction. I recall there were some problems with the earlier effort aimed a fabricating building materials in effect out of water and mesh as opposed to aiding growth of transplanted hermatypes. In this case, don't know. Have the utmost respect for Thomas Goreau's late father. Thomas Sr. did some amazing reef studies in throughout the Pacific and in parts of the Caribbean. Still recall some fascinating dropoff images from Discovery Bay, Jamaica as he studied the deep fore reef. He was one of the pioneers in that area. Hope his son is on to something.
Pretty neat stuff.

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