I am missing it this year because I'm using those vacation days from my regular job to go wreck diving with Steve Lewis in Brockville in July. I haven't had a chance to have that kind of fun for too long.
Two weeks after that I have a week-long Girl Scout program at a local camp to run. With only so many vacation days from my regular job, I have to make decisions on diving at times that necessitate some sacrifices.
As usual, anyone who wants to come to me and do the class can do so and not have to wait for a group. Private classes are the same rate as a group and are taught on demand. During dive high season weekends may be limited but in the Fall, Winter, and early Spring it's easy to schedule them.
I just spoke with Edge HOG after seeing this and if there is enough serious interest, meaning you sign up and pay a NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT, with enough participants they are going to look at putting one on there.
The problem with the first time they did it was a fair number said "yeah, I want to take the class," but when it came time to put up funds only like 2 people did.
Just as a reference, when I put on the class it cost me $275.00 for the conference room alone. I was planning on being there anyway so I didn't factor in the hotel room, meals, and travel in my costs for the class to pass on to the students.
Otherwise, it would have set me back around $800 just to get there and put the class on. Mileage, meals, 2 nights minimum in the hotel, etc.
I will update this thread when I have some info and they will be putting something up on the Edge HOG facebook page.