Yeah.....but what do you really think?
Great advice so far: Clean or replace the swivel spool, lube and replace the o-rings. Clean the inside of the gauge and hose fittings. Generously lubricate all the swiveling parts. Test it in a bucket/sink while pressurized.
Now a confession: Not long ago I sold an SPG on ebay (not to the OP) after it tested good. After receipt, the buyer contacted me with a complaint that the "gauge" was leaking. I know I checked it, but none-the-less there was an issue and the customer asked "how do we proceed?" I replied he could:
1. Return it for a full refund (I pay postage.)
2. Return it, I'll repair it and send it back.
3. Attempt to repair it himself-I'll send the parts and talk him through the process.
I was delighted when he chose door number 3. I sent him a couple of different spools and seals including a few for the spool in his gauge. Problem solved. Lesson learned for me-since then I clean and lube the hardware and replace the o-rings per the above prior to listing any more SPGs.
I was fortunate this did not happen to a customer with a different temperament. I had one of those recently too. I sold a regulator I rebuilt to someone who took it to his local dive shop. The LDS advised him that the regulator had to be overhauled because two of the low pressure ports plugs were not installed (I shipped it in a zip lock bag.) I refunded his money on return of the item.
Sometimes you eat the bear; sometimes the bear eats you.