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San Carlos, CA
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200 - 499
I see a lot of interest in the E7-100's and the E8-130's, but very little discussion on the E7-120's. Any reason in particular? It seems to be a good sized tank (just a bit bigger than an AL80, right?) and a fairly large amount of gas. Am I missing something or is the E7-100 plenty of air for most? I figure for around the same size I would rather have the extra 20. Nobody ever died from having too much air ....

I figure I can use them for shore diving. I'm fairly stout and don't anticipate any problems lugging it around. I figure later I can double em up if I decide to go tech...

Let me know your thoughts.


My guess is that people like the idea of the smaller size, negative buoyancy, and more air of the e7-100 when compared to an Al 80. The e7-120 is a little longer than the al 80. Maybe for average divers the 100 just seems to be the best balance of more air + decent size and weight. Then the people for whom more air is priority just want to go up to 130. Even though I'm pretty tall, the 100 seems better for me since the air will last me about as long as my wife's steel 80. I had no need to go larger for my diving, so even though more air is nice, at this point size was the next consideration.
Cool, makes sense. Thanks.

With that said, you can actually find E7-120's ...

Supply-Demand. No one talks about or buys -120s, so more of them are out there. BTW, my LDS has at least 3 brand new E7-80s in stock, and a few already in rental!!
Cool, makes sense. Thanks.

With that said, you can actually find E7-120's ...


If the extra few inches and weight don't bother you then seems like nothing wrong with the E7-120 to me. At least compared to the E8s you don't have to adjust your cam straps.

Just got my E7-100 from Fed Ex a few minutes ago. Unfortunately the store said that it was the last one they had...so you may be right.
Well, the 120's are 2 1/2" longer than my AL80's and, what about 4 1/2" longer than your 100? Since I'm fairly new I probably won't even notice them. Damn, I just was starting to get my weight figured out too.

Should I hold onto my Neutrally bouyant 80's when I get my new tanks? Good for Nitrox maybe? Or should I dump em and get steel for Nitrox when I get around to that?

Sell the 80s, use the 120s for nitrox. As long as you aren't above 40% or PP blending, they don't have to stay O2 clean. Of course, this could be a good excuse to pick up some more 120s.....
But has anybody seen any 120's available?
I have been diving a set of double E-7 120s for the past year and a half. I got some of the first ones off the line in about April or May of 2003.

Other than the fact that they tend to orient you heads down a lot, which I offset by using a keel weight rather than placing weight in more conventional places, I like them. You can actually feel a difference when swimming them through the water as contrasted with eight inch tanks.

They are taller. I simply carry a boat seat cushion that I sit one when gearing up in the dive boat. My "tush cush" makes the ride more comfortable when I have to sit for prolongued periods with the tanks on by raising me up about two inches.

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