E-PL3 First Dive

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Hello, Having patiently waited to get this wet I took it to a local inland site at the Weekend for a run out.Photos are a mixture of the following:EPL3 Kit port with Inon 67MM 100 screw lensEPL3 Zen dome +9-18mm.Mixture of natural light and strobe.
Feel free to ask any questions.
Stoney Cove - a set on Flickr
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Very nice, did you shoot manual?
Very nice, did you shoot manual?

Hi, thanks,

normally I do, or shoot with either A or S mode. However i really wanted to just get used to both the wet lens option and also the zen dome + 9-18mm.

Both were excellent and i was suprised at how good the wet system was. The lens I had I think I had to zoom to 16mm to eliminate any vignetting and image quality surpased my expectation. It was also more than wide enough for a lot of scenes. I would say the zen + 9-18mm gave me an extra 20% over the Inon wet wide lens.

I shot in RAW and converted and played with on LR.
I shot most pics with P and A yesterday just to get used to it and play. The TTL via strobe was very impressive and very happy indeed.

My conclusion afer yesterday was that should I wish to take say portraits/macro I will use the kit port + 2 x UCL inon Macro lens. I will simply pop my Inon Wide angle lens in my pocket If I happen to want a wider shot.
If though I know I'm simply going to focus on Wide angle or going to shoot pelagics I'll attach the zen + wa lens.
Great work! Obvious you have been doing this for a while! I assume you had the kit 14-42 when using the Inon macro lens? How was the autofocus (the signature feature of the EPL3).
PS looks like a fun place.

Hi there, I took my first proper underwater pics around 18 moths ago (still learning)and this is my first real system that i've invested a decent amount of money on.

Believe or not the crayfish pics are with the zen dome and wide angle lens. I zoomed in and cropped. If I can get this detail with this combo I am really looking forward to seeing what can be achieved with kit lens + stacked Inon lens.
The autofocus is quite simply fantastic, and very quick and shutter lag pretty much non existent. I found that agaisnt my Canon S90 I manged to get far more shots in to capture stuff than normal as it's so quick.

I have found this system a massive step up from my compact and can't wait to take it to the maldives in a few weeks for a proper test!
I had several mails asking how easy it was to remove/replace the two ports. The initial taking off the port for the first time is very tough. Once off though it becomes far easy each time and take a few minutes to check ports there after.
Very nice, I'm getting one of these set ups for Xmas! This will be a step up for me too.

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