Dutch trip May 15-16-DUI Days

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With topside temperatures at 90 degrees, who cares how cold the water will be?

I've posted this in several places, but in case you did not known, I will be at Dutch on 15 and 16 May. Doing certification dives and dry suit check outs for six students.

Stop by and say Hi. Or, come dive and shoot some videos with my camera (since with students I can't do this).

Also, I will be at Dutch (alone) on 22 May with Under Water World for fun diving.

Hey Bill, sorry i can;t be there this weekend, but i definately plan for the next one. hope to see you then.
Bill I'll be there Sunday. Missed you 2 weeks ago, so I'll be sure to stop by this time. Maybe I'll take you up on that video too.
I was at DUI Drysuit days with great dive buddy who will remain nameless unless she chooses to speak up.

I thank her for inviting me out there (even though it was a twelve hour drive). It was a wee bit hot out, but from what I heard it was a major improvement over last year.

It appeared to be well run and I found a great drysuit to replace the one that I use when mine wears out (which will be quite a while). The diving was good and the atmosphere was better.

I'll say more later, but having been gone all weekend, I have to catch up on some things.
Ok, I'll fess up!!! It was me!! DiverBrian is a great buddy. We had a blast (even tho I got wet all three times I dove!! Stupid leaky arm!) The DUI suits are great and they took a lot of time with us in the fitting. Discover Diving who took us there, is a wonderful LDS!! Anyone in Depew NY should check them out. Warm weather (80's) water was 54. I looked for the Wreck Valley sign sunday but couldn't find anyone!! We were sitting right next to the DUI tent. I really enjoyed Dutch and hope to go back soon!
Me and TTSkipper are the only members who have the signs as far as I know.

He was doing a class Sunday and I got there pretty late (after a very early Saturday shore dive and a late Saturday night). So I just kind of joined their camp.

Got in a quick late dive with Sylvester.

We were on peninsula side right under the trees. BillB and Dawgpaddle were right by us, right next to the water.
Me and TTSkipper are the only members who have the signs as far as I know.

He was doing a class Sunday and I got there pretty late (after a very early Saturday shore dive and a late Saturday night). So I just kind of joined their camp.

Got in a quick late dive with Sylvester.

We were on peninsula side right under the trees. BillB and Dawgpaddle were right by us, right next to the water.

Wow too funny! I was under the trees with an OW class of 7 for the entire weekend. we were at the second to last picnic table walking away from the water. Pan Aqua was to my right at the last table. maybe next time ill get off my ass and actually say hello to the people around me. looks like i could of made some new friends. i guess my girlfriend is right, i really do need to be a nicer person!!
Wow that's funny, we may have actually met! We were right there.
I think O'donnel was at the end at the water (that's who BillB and Dawg Paddle were with. I think we were at the 3rd and 4th tables.

I was driving a red Explorer Sport.
I looked and looked for anyone of you guys, but I couldn't find anyone. Disappointment..... Maybe we should all get to together at a time and do a barbeque?

it seems like alot of members are at DS every weekend. we need to come up with a way of saying hello without neccessarily giving out tons of personal info on the web (ie phone numbers, emails). a secret handshake and codeword would work but since most of us are older than 9 that would just be plain silly. how about picking a time and a place. for example, if you want to meet new people wander over to the penisula rescue tower at noon any day. like minded people would be doing the same and suddenly you have new dive buddies. if your the only one standing there, you can figure no members are diving that day or your a huge dork and we are all watching and laughing at you mill about the rescue tower!! anyway that is my suggestion, please give me some feedback.
(FYI, i will not wear matching clothing or give anyone but incredibly discrete and sleazy women my phone number so dont even suggest it!)

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