Spoon:actually the dm was fine but he gravely underestimated the currents. like i mentioned glad i experienced this dive but would have preferred that i be informed prior to the actual dive. also glad that it was only me and chip, there could have been serious trouble had mons come along for this white knuckle dive
we actually could not see the downwellings from the boat because the waves at the surface were overpowering the boat. we had to donn our gear and jump at the dms signal and do negative descents
Hmm.. Ok, I'm not trying to take"a holier than thou" attitude or trying to talk down to you, but a few things... The DM did underestimate the current on a site which appears to be notorious for some vicious currents. I'd hope a DM would err on the conservative side in that situation... but sh!t happens... Was this the first dive with this DM (I presume they never dove with you and Chip before)? Again, I wasn't there so I shouldn't really be criticising but its monday afternoon and I'm bored... u say the "waves were overpowering the boat"... Sorry, in my book, that's enough to call off a dive...
What IF your girlfriend had been there... would your decision have been different? Experience or no experience, a severe down/up current could take both seasoned and inexperience divers for a ride like a ragdoll regardless of their experience... look at what happened to those two in that article.
Anyways, as you said, chalk this one up as an experience and I'm sure you'll know better in the future.