.thanks for the video, i'm getting the idea of this drysuit seals and glove system.
Progress! Now, the Kubi system I have works with normal latex seals (whether zip seals or not). Kubis and zip seals are not mutually exclusive, nor does one require the other. The Kubi system has two rings per glove. One goes on the wrist seal, and the other on the glove. They mate with an O-ring seal. There are other similar systems as well, and in another thread someone posted a link to what looks like a high-quality alternative that costs less. That said, the Kubis are definitely first rate and so far have been bulletproof for me and the people I dive with that have them.
I use the latex wrist seal as a dam in case I cut a dry glove, and run a piece of string under the wrist seal. If I ever just plain slice a glove, I can remove it, pull the string, stay dry, and put what's left of the glove back on or put the Kubi ring and glove in a pocket. (Either way, the dive is over.)