Susan Long (the "operational" Honcho out there) and I recently had this discussion, as I ordered one of their suits.
The bottom line is that they worked with Apeks to redesign the balky low profile valve, and now claim that they have a new, improved version that is fixed.
Nonetheless, I requested that the high profile version be installed on the suit I ordered. They said "no problem" and are doing so.
The (older) LP one was on BOTH rentals I tried for sizing purposes,
AND BOTH LEAKED IN THE POOL. The dealer claimed to know nothing of the problem - when I got out of the pool with a wet left upper arm TWICE he perked up more than a bit
Nothing like an object lesson to make my point for me, eh?
My understanding is that you can solve the problem with the older valve by closing it down a couple of clicks, but I don't like that solution, as I like to dive with very little gas in my suit. Closing the valve doesn't facilitate that; I want it wide open.
If DUI has actually solved the problem, then that's great. I won't be able to tell you if they have (my suit should be here any day now) though, because I just said "the hell with that" and told 'em to use the high profile valve on mine.
Its not a big deal; just ask them to use the high profile one or, if you want, get the "new, improved" LP model and if you don't like how it behaves then get it swapped.