Specifics? What glue, what zipper did you go with? Obviously no stitching (but everyone says you don't really need stitching).
I got a BDM zipper from eBay from drysuitrepairparts (in the uk) - primarily because it was the only place I could find that had the size I needed in stock.
I used a seam ripper to take out the stitches, then once it was all removed I gently picked at the end until I could start to pull the old zipper out.
I used a Dremel with a sanding wheel to grind down the previous aquaseal that was left over. I got most of it off but not all of it. I'm pretty sure the zipper was replaced once before on this suit, probably by DUI themselves since it had what seemed like some extra stitching holes on the fabric and two different distinct layers of aquaseal. I got it down so it was pretty flat but didn't want to risk going too deep removing the previous aquaseal and and into the material.
I also sanded the zipper a little bit to give it a better surface for the glue to stick to.
Then I cleaned both the zipper and the suit with acetone (100% acetone nail polish remover borrowed from my wife)
I used DRIS drysuit glue, applied three or four layers on the top of the zipper and four or five on the suit itself.
I did it outside on a patio table because it was an easy work space. It is a little chilly out today (50°F) and the glue seemed to lose its tackiness faster than when I was using it to do boots in my garage a few months ago when it was in the 70's.
I mostly followed that YouTube video, I used an old bag that some Deep Six Eddy's came in (the plastic material was perfect for this, and it was easy to cut nice long strips of it) to cover the glue on the zipper while I was working with it.
When I finished sticking it into place, there were some places that seemed like they didn't stick perfectly so I got my heat gun out and slowly worked my way around both sides of the zipper hitting it with a little heat and then pressing it together hard to get the reactivated glue to sit perfectly flush with no ripples.
It didn't seem to have any leaks when I had it on me, so that's a good sign.
I'll apply the rubber finishing tape stuff tomorrow. (I'm not sure if it's really necessary, but if it helps keep this zipper working longer it's worth it.)
This suit is a DUI TLS 350 from 1996 and the material is in great shape still (no signs of delamination anywhere).
When I get it on an actual dive or do an actual leak test on it I'll know better if it's good a good seal, but so far it seems great.
I think glueing a replacement zipper in is much easier than replacing boots. Stitching seems unnecessary and only serves to make the next replacement harder.
Surface prep took probably four hours (including removing the old zipper) and gluing was probably a total of 90 minutes spread out a little bit.
I've got about an hour left to put the rubber finishing tape on tomorrow.