Another test that has been done in relation to power of the fin: Attach a bungie cord or two to the side of the pool. You might need to extend the length of the attachment by a piece of rope. You then swim at full strength with fin X and measure the distance you get away from the side of the pool. Then do this with fin Y. The distance that you get from the pool indicates the power factor of the fin.
I have tried things like that, I don't have a pool now, well, I have the Y, but in Phoenix everybody had a pool, including me
and many times I tried various experiments trying to measure thrust. I used a device that is a pressure meter using a pitot tube and a rubber ball to measure speed, well, that did not work well, then I tried rubber bungees to measure static thrust and I just did not find that test gave good results that are relevant to actual use. The test I found that seemed to provide the best, most repeatable results, without lack of complex instrumentation, is the swim test for time or distance.
I don't think that pull test measures a true dynamic thrust. Just as an airplane propeller speeds up as the aircraft begins it's takeoff roll, due to the forward motion shifting the apparent angle of oncoming air and reducing angle of attack, so do fins. Water flowing over the body and fins results in a different set of conditions vs swimming statically against a rubber band. Essentially the fins, all of them, except for FF are operating in a "stalled" out condition when I swim against the bungee. I am not saying this test does not give an interesting result but it is more of an instantaneous thrust.
UDTs are no doubt a very powerful scuba fin :cool2:. I had the amber gum rubber set. I recently threw them away because they were completely rotted. Well, about three years ago, I burned them. Those are the fins I had used against my Jets.
Now I have a new set of Jets (my new spares) and I have a new (two years old, hardly used) UDTs so I think I need a retest with two (new) sets of fins. BTW, using this test I have also swam Planas, Rockets, FF and a few others. I have achieved the fastest times with FF.
I do this test with a flutter kick, I swim with mask and snorkel, hands at side. Another test I may do this time is count the number of frog kicks it takes me vs time to swim underwater two pool lengths. Anyways, this time I am going to do some different things. Why would I do all this, no, not to prove a point, starting out with a forgone conclusion is bad science. No, I get bored swimming laps and it is something to do to keep me motivated enough to go to the Y and swim laps.
Right now I am playing with my new camera in the pool and as it is the Y guards are about to throw me out so only one project at a time.
You know, when the Tekna scooter exploded, the Y folks kinda gave me this look so they sort of check me over nowadays.
Hey, I put this link up already but if you have not read it you should, scan down to the story on scuba diving, it is a blast!!!!!!