I have a chance to purchase a gently used drysuit for a fabulous price. The problem is I have very little knowledge on how a Drysuit should fit. The first problem is the suit is a custom suit so I can't even look up the dimensions. Second, it is a consignment sale so I can't ask the owner what the dimensions are. And third, with the person selling it caveat emptor applies. Height wise the suit fits well. My biggest concern is that it looks like I could put both my thighs in one leg. It also looks as if the waist is large enough for 2 of me. The 'salesman' tried to convince me that I need that much room for thermal gear. Looking for opinions. Additionally, the price is really good so would I be able to make do with it for a few years until I could purchase a custom?
I have a chance to purchase a gently used drysuit for a fabulous price. The problem is I have very little knowledge on how a Drysuit should fit. The first problem is the suit is a custom suit so I can't even look up the dimensions. Second, it is a consignment sale so I can't ask the owner what the dimensions are. And third, with the person selling it caveat emptor applies. Height wise the suit fits well. My biggest concern is that it looks like I could put both my thighs in one leg. It also looks as if the waist is large enough for 2 of me. The 'salesman' tried to convince me that I need that much room for thermal gear. Looking for opinions. Additionally, the price is really good so would I be able to make do with it for a few years until I could purchase a custom?