Dolphin here in Sacto is a good in-house place; plus they consistently place in the top 3 volume sellers of DUI suits.
Or you can always go the DIY route, cuffs are easy to replace.
Here's a downloadable slideshow (zip format, about 750kb). Do a right click & "save as" or whatever:
Materials should run you under $35 if you use the high quality cuffs.
Watch out for DUI's seals, it looks like they're going to the elCheapo thin ones.
BTW, Dolphin is having their annual kickbutt Father's Day sale in about a month. Outrageous deals.
Or you can always go the DIY route, cuffs are easy to replace.
Here's a downloadable slideshow (zip format, about 750kb). Do a right click & "save as" or whatever:
Materials should run you under $35 if you use the high quality cuffs.
Watch out for DUI's seals, it looks like they're going to the elCheapo thin ones.
BTW, Dolphin is having their annual kickbutt Father's Day sale in about a month. Outrageous deals.