personally I have dove both and well in swedish waters there are pretty cold conditions wich means there are some good things and bad things with both systems regarding to that.
Good Things
Seals nice, easy to use, sturdy and easy to fix when it breaks
Bad things
its a B*tch to seal latex gloves on latex arm seals, the thin area is also quite heat leaking
Good things
Dont press so hard on the neck, seals very nice when using latex sealed gloves, seals nice when using wetsuit gloves. Warm seals.
Bad things
If one dont know how to use neoprene seals then they are a bit combersome and leaks easily, but if done right there is no such problem.
I can tell of a thing I just figured out a couple of days ago.
in a swedish equivalent to this site we talked about dry gloves
where one very experienced person was asked how do you guys do when you go so deep and for so long time period to keep from freezing your hands.
His respond was we use this glove and some electric heating device around the wrists, a cold wrist=a cold hand.
Then it struck me why all the other ppl are complaining that their hands freeze, they are using latex on latex seals and I am using neoprene seals and same gloves as they do and I feel cold but not freezing.
On the other hand neoprene freezes more when you get out of the water.
personally my choise is neoprene for two reasons
nice arm seals and it doesnt choak me in the neck seal.
if anyone has more + and - please feel free to let me(us) know
happy diving