Well, everyone has covered on the big points such as getting your kit ready beforehand and staying hydrated, but I'll throw in a tidbit that may not seem like much but it helps immensely. If your dive site has any sort of shade at all, park yourself under the tree or whatever is providing it when you put your suit on after your kit is ready. The exertion of getting into the suit is what makes you start to sweat your arse off the most in my opinion and the shade helps a lot with this by helping to keep you cool. At Breakwater, I'll specifically park in the upper lot just because there's some nice trees w/shade there.
I love the idea of getting into the water beforehand to cool off though...too bad at Breakwater that's a pain in the ass to do.
I love the idea of getting into the water beforehand to cool off though...too bad at Breakwater that's a pain in the ass to do.