More great posts. Feel like I am building a picture of how these things should be use now so will have to write down the key points from all these points and try them out this week.
@JohnN We are doing a PADI Open Water and in fact this sunday will be the last time we dive before being qualified. Our instructor is brilliant and quite easily one of the best and most interested tutors I have ever had on any subject. He went out of his way to help and maybe this week he may try doing as has been suggested a few times here and she will have to use the BCD. The guy really wants us to learn in our dry suits though because he says if we can learn those its a good skill to have and we can drive almost anywhere and that ocean diving will be a dream compared to it.
@JohnN We are doing a PADI Open Water and in fact this sunday will be the last time we dive before being qualified. Our instructor is brilliant and quite easily one of the best and most interested tutors I have ever had on any subject. He went out of his way to help and maybe this week he may try doing as has been suggested a few times here and she will have to use the BCD. The guy really wants us to learn in our dry suits though because he says if we can learn those its a good skill to have and we can drive almost anywhere and that ocean diving will be a dream compared to it.