I went out a got some Energiser "Litihium" batteries, to be very honest I didn't even know that they existed unitl I read this post.
Also after changing it I saw that the Shearwater has a dedicated selection for the 1.5V Lithium batteries..

We learn something new every day... That's one of those things that we tend to skim over and forget when reading the manuals...
In fact I didn't even know of the existance of half of the batteries that we can use
Factors Affecting Battery Life on Shearwater Dive Computers - Shearwater Research
I spoke with the wife after reading the various responses, she agreed with this method, in case of a primary reg failure the most important thing is to breath and get back to the surface, so it makes sense so ensure that the BCD/Wing can be used for the task, it is after all it's only purpose ;-). Whereas the suit would probably work, depending on how balanced you were , is not intentionally made as a buoyancy compensation device ;-).
So we are going to change our hoses and go with the Wing Left, Suit Right method..