Dry glove rings - now my arms are too long

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Cape Coral, Florida
Fitted a set of Diving Concepts dry gloves to my suit - and now the arms on my suit are too long. Before I used to use my wrist seals to position the suit arm on my arm (it's an off-the-shelf suit, and the arms have room to spare). Now that the seal is used to hold one side of the dry glove ring system, there's nothing to keep the sleeves of the suit in position, and the extra material in the arms has nowhere to go except along my arms - I tried my suit on tonight, and I can pull my hands out of the gloves with the suit and gloves still on! The gloves then hang down near my knees (no joke).

The only solution I can see at the moment is to wear my computer and compass on each wrist, over the wrist of the glove itself, (on the glove side of the ring system instead of the arm side of the ring system) and use this to keep the gloves in position on my hands. Custom alterations to the suit (ie getting the arms shortened) is out of the budget at the moment.

Any other suggestions? I could alter the way the rings are installed, to have the redundant latex seal inside of the ring system, but I was really looking forward to getting some blood flow back into my hands on 50F dives... :(

I'll be trying them out in the ocean this Sunday, just thought I would see if anyone else has had this experience and has something to suggest.

Scubaroo once bubbled...
Fitted a set of Diving Concepts dry gloves to my suit - and now the arms on my suit are too long. Before I used to use my wrist seals to position the suit arm on my arm (it's an off-the-shelf suit, and the arms have room to spare). Now that the seal is used to hold one side of the dry glove ring system, there's nothing to keep the sleeves of the suit in position, and the extra material in the arms has nowhere to go except along my arms - I tried my suit on tonight, and I can pull my hands out of the gloves with the suit and gloves still on! The gloves then hang down near my knees (no joke).

The only solution I can see at the moment is to wear my computer and compass on each wrist, over the wrist of the glove itself, (on the glove side of the ring system instead of the arm side of the ring system) and use this to keep the gloves in position on my hands. Custom alterations to the suit (ie getting the arms shortened) is out of the budget at the moment.

Any other suggestions? I could alter the way the rings are installed, to have the redundant latex seal inside of the ring system, but I was really looking forward to getting some blood flow back into my hands on 50F dives... :(

I'll be trying them out in the ocean this Sunday, just thought I would see if anyone else has had this experience and has something to suggest.

the sleeves on my CF200 are a couple of inches *too long*... which is actually a good thing for reaching back to do valve drills... but It is a pain with the dry gloves (yes I can pull my hands out of them :D) however that isn't something you need to worry about on a dive.

I do have my rings installed so that I have the seal intact on the inside of the rings (it is not uncomfortable at all) and I have also shortened the gloves.
Uncle Pug once bubbled...
I do have my rings installed so that I have the seal intact on the inside of the rings (it is not uncomfortable at all) and I have also shortened the gloves.
Actually I don't recall anyone on the board during recent glove discussions who *doesn't* have the internal seal still intact... if glove position is an issue, I might reinstall the glove rings... !@#$! do you know how long it took to get them installed nice and neat in the first place! :rolleyes:

I don't think it would be possible to shorten the compressed neoprene gloves - you have the blue ones, right - the neoprene version are kinda one-piece with the neoprene glued to the ring.
Scubaroo once bubbled...
I don't think it would be possible to shorten the compressed neoprene gloves - you have the blue ones, right - the neoprene version are kinda one-piece with the neoprene glued to the ring.
I didn't know that they were glued to the rings... if they were attached with o-rings like the other gloves then you could just whack them off shorter and reinstall.

BTW... Jeff Austin recently went from the neo gloves to the blue ones and says that it is easier to dump gas out of his suit since the neo gloves would balloon up before the dump valve would open.
You can pull your hands out of the gloves on the surface..... Does this change when under water? I would think that this could only happen if you had too much air in the drysuit. Some say a little squeeze is a good thing.

Blue numb fingers

If I was you I would install additional seals. Keep the wrist seal intact. If you are diving in 50F water and they leak you will regret it. Major suit flood and potential hypothermia.

I tried some and they leaked the first time as I hadn't fitted them quite right. At least I stayed dry.

If you have trouble with circulation perhaps your wrist seals are too tight and you could plan on getting some softer latex ones fitted underneath the existing seals and then use the outer seal to mount the gloves. On a previous drysuit my wrist seals were far too tight and were fitted with 'commercial' wrist seals. My hands used to go blue and sometimes I was in severe pain. I now use latex seals and they are infinitely better and no more circulation problems.

Hope that Helps

Uncle Pug once bubbled...
I didn't know that they were glued to the rings... if they were attached with o-rings like the other gloves then you could just whack them off shorter and reinstall.
Took a closer look - they're not glued! There is an o-ring, but it doesn't look like the gloves themselves can be shortened.

I've converted one arm over to the inner seal, and one arm left without - I'll see if it's an issue in the water. The o-rings have been a bit stretched though from being mounted for a while in the no-seal position, so I might have to chase up some new ones from COVCI - the first time I pulled my hand through the wrist seal with the inner seal mounting method, the ring pulled off the end of the suit. I cursed - took ages to change it over, then I had to do it all over again :wink:
about pulling the ring out pushing your hand through... there are two o-rings for each suit ring. One o-ring is on the inside of the seal and the other locks it in place on the outside of the seal. Are you sure that you have both in place?
Uncle Pug once bubbled...
about pulling the ring out pushing your hand through... there are two o-rings for each suit ring. One o-ring is on the inside of the seal and the other locks it in place on the outside of the seal. Are you sure that you have both in place?
The o-rings seem a little stretched from being in place before, and then taken off again and reinstalled - I had one o-ring on the inside, and one over the top on the outside, and pulling my wrist through the seal just popped the entire latex seal off the ring. At the moment I've got both on the outside, and it's a little firmer. One o-ring is noticeably less "in the groove" than the other - it's just lsot some tension from being stretched. I've written to Chris at COVCI to see if additional o-rings are available - I'll either replace the old ones, or put three on each side (there are three grooves). Also need to track down a wheelbarrow inner tube to make a protective cuff over the top. The rings looked so neat and professional when I had them installed without the seal, and I've gone and buggered it all up :rolleyes:

They're getting wet tomorrow, will report on how it goes.

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